A Reiki teacher is someone who has been attuned to the highest level of Reiki. The tuning process opens up your body so you can transmit healing energy that lasts a lifetime. You can take a course to learn levels 1, 2 and 3 of Reiki. Your professional can suggest a series of sessions.
Four sessions is a traditional recommendation and gives you time to evaluate what benefits you are receiving. Talk to your professional about the best way to space out sessions to fit your needs and schedule. In the presence of a serious health problem, Reiki practitioners often recommend four sessions over four days. They don't need to be administered by the same doctor.
So far, research warns that reiki should be used in conjunction with, and never instead of, conventional treatments for conditions such as pain, anxiety or depression. But if Reiki is to be used with conventional medicine, there must first be clarity about what, precisely, Reiki is. Practitioners who become rogues, mix multiple spiritual practices into something new and call it reiki, muddy the already scarce data. One person who is working to achieve a unique definition of practice for patients, medical professionals and medical professionals is Pamela Miles.
Or perhaps your doctor has suggested Reiki as a form of complementary therapy to your current medical treatments. The Reiki Awakening Academy offers workshops, classes and comprehensive programs on metaphysical topics for intuitive development. Although he did not confirm an increase in doctors using reiki, he acknowledged that if there were, it could have to do with an industry-wide interest in finding alternatives to opioids. Six months ago, when I arrived for my first reiki appointment at an oxygen spa in Santa Fe, I had only heard the word in passing and really didn't know what to expect.
However, some limited studies have established links between Reiki and the reduction of feelings of pain and anxiety. If the side effects of Reiki feel severe or persist for more than 48 hours, they are likely not due to energetic healing and it is recommended that you seek medical attention. Reiki differs from other tactile therapies in that it doesn't involve pressure, massage or manipulation. While the NIH does not report harmful side effects of Reiki, some professionals recognize the possibility that patients experience not only anxiety, but also short-term stomach upset, lightheadedness, and fatigue.
Sometimes the Reiki experience is dramatic, while for other people, the first particular session can go without incident, even though they feel better afterwards. Anyone looking for a professional and qualified Reiki practitioner should be cautious, as few regulations govern this field. And there's no denying that medical professionals recommend reiki to patients or are being trained as teachers. However, people living with certain health conditions may be interested in trying Reiki along with their usual treatment.
Reiki is not an alternative treatment for medical problems, but rather a complementary therapy that can help support healing and increase the sense of well-being in some people.